Mikvah Tziporah
Making purity our priority.
לע״נ צפורה שיינדל ע״ה בת יבלח״א הרב יעקב שליט״א
Who We Are
The Mikvah's Background
Over the past several years, thousands of families have purchased new summer homes in the Catskill Region - many of them in the Fallsburg area. In light of the continuously growing population, it is critical for our religious infrastructure to be updated as well.
The Fallsburg Community Mikvah project was founded by the late Reb Yisroel Lefkowitz z'l and Reb Yossi Gutman z'l with the goal of significantly improving these conditions. With a new, modern, comfortable, and spacious Mikvah facility, in the heart of the Fallsburg community, we help ensure that Taharas Hamishpacha in the Catskills is the pleasant and fulfilling experience it should be.
Haskamos & Rabbonim Visits
The Fallsburg Community Mikvah was built, and is being operated under the supervision of:
- HRH"G Rav Simcha Aaron Stroli Shlita, Viener Dayan - Khal Adas Yereim
- Harav Yisroel Shlomowitz, Dayan of South Fallsburg

To Make An Appointment
IN THE SUMMER: Click the button to view the schedule or make an appointment online.
REST OF YEAR: Click the button below to call and someone will be able to help you.
Make A Difference
Join Mikvah Tziporah in making a difference in the community. Partner with us today for this incredible Mitzvah!
© 2025 Mikvah Tziporah